Module 4: Cultural Items, Art, and Present Practice

Module 4: Cultural Items, Art, and Present Practice

The archive is not just a place of storage, it is a place of public inspiration for Indigenous art production.
Mural by River Garza (Tongva), Photo by Mishuana Goeman (Tonawanda Band of Seneca, 2018)

The archive is not just a place of storage, it is a place of public inspiration for Indigenous art production. Items found or disinterred at cultural heritage sites are not just collector items to be displayed, but they are informative for present communities to continue cultural traditions and to innovate via contemporary artistic practices. The relationship between ancestral items that have been removed from their place on the land will be explored by those who wish to bring them home not only as a material object, but as objects that can help heal, create, and continue cultural survival.

Items in Collection: 
Centering Tribal Stories
Anti-Colonial Practices, Indigenous Practices, Environment
Indigenous Health and Well-being: 11th Annual American Indian and Indigenous Collective (AIIC) Symposium Gerald Clarke is an enrolled citizen of the Cahuilla Band of Indians and lives in the home his grandfather built on the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, w